LORNE WAGMAN CURRICULUM VITAE 2005 EDUCATION: 1974 1976 New SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2004 The Intense Gaze 10 year retrospective 2001 Deleon White Gallery, 2000 Up in the Clouds / Down in the Thicket Deleon
White Gallery, 2000 New Works Deleon White Gallery 1998 Deleon White Gallery - 1997 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1996 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1987 1995 Annual exhibits Flashtown
Gallery 1985 Symphony in the Barn 1995 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1994 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1993 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1992 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1992 Arnold Gottlieb Gallery - 1991 Arnold Gottlieb Gallery - 1990 Christopher Cutts Gallery
- 1990 The 1989 The 1988. 1988 The 1988 Cameron House Exhibition - 1987 The 1986 The 1985 The 1985 retrospective - 1985 Cameron House - 1984 Manning Gallery - 1984 Lacemaker Gallery - 1983. 1983 Lacemaker Gallery - 1982. 1982 Lacemaker Gallery 1981. 1981 Lacemaker Gallery 1976 5,6,7 Gallery TWO PERSON SHOWS: 2004 / 2005 Lorne Wagman & Patric Ryan Gallery de Boer Fine Art & Jazz Owen
Sound, Ontario 2004 Lorne Wagman & Otis Tamasauskas DeLeon White
Gallery, 2003 Group Show New Works 14 Artists Gallery de
Boer Fine Art & Jazz - Owen Sound, On. 2003 Portrait Show - 2003 Lorne Wagman & Patric Ryan New Works Gallery de Boer Fine art &
JazzO/S, On. 2000 Lorne Wagman & Nils Udo Deleon White Gallery -
2002 Lorne Wagman & Brian
Lockhart Roxy Theatre, 2002 Lorne Wagman, Brian
Lockhart & Robert Cotton The Enchanted Landscape Gallery de Boer Fine art & Jazz 2002 Lorne Wagman &
Adrienne Trent - DeLeon White Gallery, Lorne Wagman & Rae Johnson
2001 Lorne Wagman & Gord Rayner 1990 Rae Johnson and Lorne Wagman
- Flashtown Gallery - 1992 Gorman and Wagman -
Christopher Cutts Gallery - 1981 David Lushka and Lorne Wagman - Lacemaker's Gallery 1975 Lorne Wagman & Eric Lilipold La Cantineta GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2003 Group Show New Works 14 Artists Gallery de
Boer Fine Art & Jazz - Owen Sound, On. 2000 Swimming Lessons 2002 portrait show 2002 Fragile Embrace: Reflections on the Environment 1998 New Acquisitions 1998 Eight Rodman Hall Arts Centre St. Catherines, 1997 The Temagami 22 Arts and
Letters Club - 1997 Group Show - Temagami
Welcome Centre, Temagami - 1997 Lands For Life Arts on
King 1996 Dancing with Leviathan Ashkinasi,
Lonsdale Gallery - 1996 New Acquisitions 1995 Chinese New Year Show Christopher Cutts Gallery 1995 Eight Justina Barnicke Gallery 1994 Celebrating 1989-88 Second Nature: New Pastoral Art - 1988 Portfolio 88 - Tom Thomson Memorial Gallery - 1986 Color and the Brush - Sarnia Public Library & Art Gallery - 1986 Trains, Boats and Bridges - 1985 The Radiant 1984-85 Andrew Calixte gallery 1984 The Tent Project Traveling
Art Show 1984 The Cloud of Uncertainty: Works on Paper - Studio
620 1984 Four 1983 Video Visual Concurrence - Music gallery 1983 Chroma Living - The Collinade 1982 1982 The Nicholas Novak Commemorative Print Show - Whitby
Station Gallery On Painting Current - Harbourfront
extension Gallery 1982 Monumenta YYZ - 1982 O Chromazone 1980 Public Myth: Private Nature 1980 Lacemaker's Own - Lacemaker's Gallery 1978 Six on the Scene Who Should be Seen - 1978 Granted Artists - 1976 Cream of the Crop - ACT Gallery 1975 Drawing and Sculpture - 1974 Rotary Club Competition - 1974 BENEFITS: Contributor to the following fundraisers Durham Art Gallery/Durham community Health care Autumn Leaves Stylis art benefits, Theatre Passe Muraille Benefit Auctions 1. Gourmet Dinner - Childrens Aid Society 1. Art with a heart aids benefit 2. Temagami benifit
aborigonal community centre, 1. "In Red" Benefit Show 2. 1982 Tim Jocelin Benefit- AWARDS: 1977 Best Painting Carling OKeefe Outdoor Competition
1976 First Prize 1974 Best Teenage Award Rotary Club Competition COLLECTIONS: Maclean-Hunter Omars Mutual Funds Whitby Arts Station Gallery Sunlife Canada Council Art Bank Crow Bear International Roman Hall, st Catherines, ont. Department of External Affairs, Guarantee Trust American Express Czechoslovak Credit Union Maclaren Art Centre, Justina Barnicke
Gallery, Art LORNE WAGMAN BIBLIOGRAPHY: 2003 The Cottage Times The Enchanted Landscape
Perspectives on Lorne Wagman Ron de Boer 2002 Globe and Mail - Gary Michael Dault 2002 Sun Times Owen Sound - "All the inspiration he
needs" - James Algie 2001 Now Magazine - " Earthy art" - Lesley McCallister 2001 Globe and Mail - "Lorne Wagman
at Deleon White" - Gary Micheal Dault 1998-1999 Vie Des Arts magazine - John Grande 1999 Petroglygh Magazine -
Illustration 1993 The Toronto Star - "Dont pick the weeds"
- Christopher Hume 1992 Now Magazine - " Wagmans
moving weeds encapsulate landscape" - Deidre Hanna 1990 Canadian Art magazine - "Focus on Lorne Wagman" - Martin Downing 1990 Toronto Star - "At the Isaacs Gallery" -
Christopher Hume 1990 The Globe and Mail - "Flight to Flesherton" - Isabel Vincent 1990 1990 1991 The 1991 Workseen magazine -
"On the road with 1993 1989 The Financial Times of 1988 Sun Times - "Artists show widely different
styles" - James Algie 1986 Toronto Star - "Art folk paint the town
red" - Christopher Hume 1987 The 1987 Toronto Star - "Silly Beasts can be hard to
Bear" - Christopher Hume 1986 Humane Viewpoint magazine - "The Post
Modern" - by Janice Runge 1986 Vangard magazine - Donna Lypchuck 1981 Canadian Jewish News - "Lacemakers
Gallery features new works by Lorne Wagman" -
Marsha Eines 1982 Toronto Star - "Star in the future of Canadian
art" - Christopher Hume 1983 "Lorne Wagman at Lacemakes Gallery" - John Bentley Mays 1978 Globe and Mail - "Young artists full of
inventive energy" 1977 Globe and Mail - "Harbourfront
Show" 1975 Arts Canada magazine - "Five Painters" -
Kay Kritzwiser OTHER MEDIA: 2002 Rodgers cable television review 2001 Rodgers cable television review pre: CBC - Television Sunday
arts entertainment - "Flesherton artists" Touchstone Film "Cocktail" Use of paintings Film Documentary (by Peter Shatalo
and Micheal Copeman) -
"Brushes" - Lorne Wagman and Rae Johnson Wildflower magazine - magazine cover "Lage "Performance art in "After Tom Thomson, contemporary landscape painting
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